"I doubt anyone who had never heard Favella Lyrica could imagine what they do, or how well they do it: We've never heard anything quite like the duet singing of Pamela Murray and Pamela Dellal." 



Favella Lyrica
Sweet Torment

For their debut recording on KOCH International, Favella Lyrica has selected a program of highly
virtuosic, complex, and passionate music from 17th century Italy and Germany, including equal voice duets by Claudio Monteverdi, Sigismondo D'India, Luzzasco Luzzaschi, Martino Pesenti, and
Heinrich Schütz.

The repertoire on the present release consists of some of the most challenging and dramatic music of the 17th century. The composers of the early Baroque forged a new immediacy of expression through their blending of the late Renaissance madrigal style with the powerful new style created for opera. The singers must have at their command fluid coloratura, great dynamic and pitch range, clear and direct expression of the text, and the widest spectrum of colors at their disposal to convey this music, which ranges in style from recitative to triple-meter dances to variation over a ground bass.

The reaction to Sweet Torment has been overwhelming, with enthusiastic reviews coming from all over the country. The CD can be obtained by contacting KOCH International Classics, our producer and distributor, at (800) 688-3482, or by contacting Favella Lyrica directly.


Sweet Torment
Virtuoso duets of seventeenth-century Italy and Germany

Pamela Murray, soprano
Pamela Dellal, mezzo-soprano
Michael Beattie, harpsichord

Claudio Monteverdi (1567 - 1643)
1. Tornate, o cari baci
2. O come sei gentile
3. Ardo
4. Perchè fuggi
5. Zefiro torna

Luzzasco Luzzaschi (1545? - 1607)
6. Cor mio, deh non languire
7. Stral pungente d'amore
8. Deh vieni ormai

Martino Pesenti (c. 1600 - 1648)
9. Ardo

Sigismondo D'India (1582 - 1629)
10. Langue al vostro languir
11. Dove potrò mai gir
12. La mia Filli crudel

Heinrich Schütz
13. Der Herr ist groß
14. Ihr Heiligen, lobsinget dem Herren
15. Herr, ich hoffe darauf
16. O lieber Herre Gott
17. Erhöre mich
18. Habe deine Lust an dem Herren

Recorded July 12th and 13th, 1993 at Emmanuel Church, Boston, MA