Motet |
1. Chor Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied! Die Gemeine der Heiligen sollen ihn loben, Israel freue sich des, der ihn gemacht hat. Die Kinder Zion sei'n fröhlich über ihrem Könige. Sie sollen loben seinen Namen im Reihen, mit Pauken und Harfen sollen sie ihm spielen. (Psalm 149:1-3) |
1. Chorus Sing to the Lord a new song! The congregation of the saints shall praise Him, Israel rejoices in Him, who has created it. Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. Let them praise His name in dances, with drums and harps let them play to Him. |
2. Aria (Chor I) |
2. Aria (Chorus I) God, take us to Yourself from now on! For without You we can accomplish nothing with all of our belongings. Therefore be our protection and light, and if our hope does not deceive us, You will make it happen in the future. Happy is the person who strictly and tightly abandons himself to You and Your mercy! Chorale (Chorus II) As a father has mercy upon his young children: so the Lord does with us poor ones, when we fear Him with pure and childlike hearts. He knows his poor creatures, God knows we are but dust. Just as the grass that is mowed, a flower or a falling leaf, the wind only blows over it, and it is no longer there; So also man passes away, his end is near to him. |
3. Chor Lobet den Herrn in seinen Taten, lobet ihn in seiner großen Herrlichkeit. Alles was Odem hat, lobe den Herrn, Halleluja! (Psalm 150:2, 6) |
3. Chorus Praise the Lord in His works, praise Him in his great glory. Everything that has breath, praise the Lord, Hallelujah! |
Psalm 149:1-3 (mov't. 1); "Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren," verse 3: Johann Gramann 1548 (mov’t. 2); Psalm 150:2, 6 (mov't. 3) | |
©Pamela Dellal |