Perhaps the greatest achievement in Bach’s first year in Leipzig is
the monumental chorus that begins the Cantata BWV 77. There has perhaps
never been such a profound reaction to the parable of the Good Samaritan
in all of art. About ten years before the composition of this work,
Bach wrote an altogether more personal and modest reaction to this parable.
The work was written in Weimar during a period when Bach was expected
to provide service music once a month for the court chapel. The resulting
work, BWV 164, was never performed in Weimar, because soon after its
conception a period of mourning and thus silence as declared for the
tragic death of the young Prince Johann Ernst, who was also one of Bach’s
favorite pupils.
The work was finally first performed in Bach’s third year at Leipzig.
Bach never had a better librettist than his Weimar poet Salomo Franck.
In our cantata today, Franck builds a series of touching and skillful
metaphors: the pair of hands, wringing and open to help the victim;
the weeping eyes, both hypocritical and real; and the heart, hard as
stone or full of compassion. The work begins with a melancholy, rolling
tenor aria with strings, reflecting Christ’s sadness at the hypocrisy
of the professed Christian. The following bass recitative is tougher
in tone and unforgiving in its judgment upon the priest and the Levite.
Bach portrays the mercy of the Samaritan in the alto aria with gorgeous
flutes, which are like a balm after the austerity of the continuo recitative.
Bach then brings back not only the tenor voice but the strings as well,
in a melting and forgiving texture in the accompanied recitative. The
following duet for soprano and bas is a surprise. Mercy and forgiveness
are usually portrayed in music with quiet and soft-edged music. Here
the quicksilver music of all the treble instruments, often in canon
with the bass instruments, creates a rapier lively texture. Notice how
the close canons between the top and bottom instruments sound like the
two open hands moving symmetrically. While it is true that the extraordinary
grand design of the Cantata BWV 77 might have been beyond Bach in this
Weimar period of his career, there is a personal warmth and connection
to the text that is truly heart-warming in this lovely piece.©Craig